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Three DVDs are available for each of the Holistic Yoga classes taught by Kyung; Intestine Healing, Deep Stretching and DahnMuDo Basic Form. Each DVD contains Introduction/Overview, 10 minute Warm up exercise and the 1 hour class. Each DVD can be purchased separately for $49 each or all three for $135. Tax and shipping charges may apply. The quickest way to get them is to drop by 15 minutes before or after the class times to purchase in person. Orders placed online below may take 1-10 business days to ship, depending on the availability. Questions? Contact Kyung by phone at 469-878-9441 or by email at Looking forward to seeing you in Virtual Studio!
Warm Up – Warm up exercises prepare your body and mind for Holistic Yoga classes. They comprise of Dahn-jon tapping, Intestine exercises and upper body opening exercises. You can practice the warm up anytime but it is recommended to practice it always before starting Holistic Yoga classes.
Intestine Healing - Intestinal health is very important for good digestion. This class comprising of 20-25 minutes of light stretching combined with Intestine exercises followed by 10min of Brain Wave Vibration and 15-20min of Breathing & Meditation, will leave your body feel relaxed with warm abdomen, open heart, and clear head.
Deep Stretching - Deep stretches used in Holistic Yoga open meridian channels allowing healing energy to flow throughout the body thereby preventing muscle strains and increasing flexibility and balance in the body and therefore in the brain. This class comprising of 20-25 minutes of deep stretching exercises followed by 10min of Brain Wave Vibration and 15-20min of Breathing & Meditation, will leave your body and brain, open, flexible and balanced.
DahnMuDo Basic Form – DMD BF is a form of moving meditation similar to tai-chi, this class comprising of 20-25 minutes of joint opening exercises combined with light stretching followed by 25-30 minutes of DMD basic form for moving meditation. Practicing DMD daily you will feel one with the energy of the universe.

Holistic Yoga DVDs (Pack of All three - $99)

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